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Ritesh Verma's Youtube Weekly Recap
Ritesh Verma's Youtube Weekly Recap
Weekly Recap
Hey everyone 👋 ! This is my first email in this newsletter format. Please be sure to give me feedback on the structure, content, and whatever other aspect you want to about this newsletter.
SAT News
The May SAT was administered this past week and many students gave immediate feedback on how it was. Many students believed that the math section was harder than most math sections and the reading section was the usual difficulty (harder than math).
Personally I want all students to understand that not all SAT’s are created equal. Some are in fact easier than others. The goal is to prepare yourself enough to be able to handle any variation of a SAT problem so no matter how hard the specific SAT is, it’s all easy in your eyes. That is the goal.
I do want to take this time to let every SAT student know that if you plan on taking another SAT be sure to put yourself in a position where you KNOW your score will improve the next time you sit down for the exam. Whether this be through hiring your own tutor, spending hours on Khan Academy, or some other means, be sure you improve your score. Many students struggle with this which is why I created a fast-track crash course bundle that has two of my SAT courses for the price of one included in it as well as free tutoring and a free Learnq.ai pass. But the choice is yours on whether you want to spend money on the best SAT resource possible and be one of 300+ students enrolled in the course. I’m biased so I’m going to say I think you should :)
What To Expect?
This upcoming week expect two SAT videos regarding a full review on the SAT May exam as well as my reaction to Sal Khan’s most recent Ted Talk on Khanmigo. It’s pretty cool stuff and really shows how fast and powerful AI has become!
Thank you all for reading my thoughts and I cannot wait to take this newsletter to further heights. Please be sure to let me know what you would want to see in this newsletter! Thank you!